2025 Club Motorsport Partnership

  • December 31, 2025
  • 23:59



As a not-for-profit community club, the Impreza WRX Club Inc is unable to accept conventional sponsorship opportunities, rather, we rely on the support of a carefully selected group of strategically aligned businesses (like yours) to help us with the costs of successfully running our motorsport events and the acquisition and maintenance of the equipment needed. 

Our club has close to 500 current members, who are active participants on our member only forum, on social media, in person at motorsport and social events and the recipients of regular emails from the Club. Without exception, all our members are car, motorsport and specifically, Subaru enthusiasts. This provides outstanding targeted marketing opportunities for our Motorsport Partners. 

Click here to download further information on the packages available

We have a range of Partnership packages available for consideration, with all of them offering exclusive opportunities for exposure to our members. At a minimum, all packages include: 

Club Partners Web Page

Our website www.wrx.org.au has a Member Benefits page that is open to the public, where you will receive a listing. This is perhaps where our partnership is most apparent to the public and we see this as mutually beneficial. Your offerings to our potential members encourage them to join, while our reputation as serious Subaru enthusiasts means our alliance with you is a testament to your trusted expertise.

Club Online Forum Listing

Our members only online forum has a section with listed benefits to our members. You will receive a listing on this thread explaining more about your business and the benefits and services you offer. You are welcome to edit and maintain this listing as you wish (subject to our normal social media rules). 

Exclusive Advertising Opportunities

Our Facebook (Page and Group) and forums provide a place for members to discuss their experiences with products and services and to endorse them, but not to conduct advertising campaigns. As a motorsport partner, you may exclusively advertise to our members at any time on either Facebook or the forum.

Member Communications

All emails sent to members via our database software will include the Club Partner logos in the footer. These regular emails get sent out with reminders for events, membership renewals and all other general communications from time to time.


All content on this site is copyright of the Impreza WRX Club Inc unless otherwise stated. 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software